Luxury Patio

Six Best Ways to Maintain Your Patio’s Roofing System

Constant exposure to the sun and UV rays, extreme temperatures, and falling debris can eventually take a toll on the durability of your patio’s roof. While a replacement is inevitable, you can extend its service life by taking the necessary maintenance steps.

So, how do you properly maintain your insulated roofing system? To help you make the right decisions, here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Trim Those Trees

Trees can improve your home’s exterior landscape. However, any leaning branches that come in close contact with your roof can damage it. To prevent these branches from puncturing or destroying your roof, trim back any branches that are getting too close to your roof.

Clean It Up

There is always a tendency for dried leaves and other debris to get trapped in the roof’s gutters. If left untreated, these foreign objects could accumulate and block the drains, causing it to overflow. To prevent this from happening, you can call an expert to clean the gutters, especially before the rainy season comes. This will help prevent the leaves and debris from being stuck and causing the fascia to rot.

Look for Any Problem Areas

It is always best to carefully inspect your roof from the ground up to check for any issues. You need to spot for signs of missing shingles, damaged drip edge and loose flashing. Doing so will give you better chances of fixing these damages before they could cause even more serious problems in the future.

Check the Ventilation

luxury garden furniture at the patio

Poor ventilation could cause your roof’s rafting and sheathing to decompose and lose efficiency. That is why it is necessary that you make sure you have a properly ventilated roofing system all the time. Keeping your roof ventilated will prevent any moisture and heat from affecting the whole system’s efficiency.

Protect It Against Streaking

You also need to check the colour of your roof, especially in the northern part of it, when doing your inspection every six months. Bear in mind that the northern section of the roof is the one that constantly gets exposed to shade and humidity, which can be a perfect breeding ground for mould and fungus. If left untreated, this could cause the roofing material to deteriorate, thus, affecting the lifespan of your roof.

One excellent way to protect your roof from mould infestation is by installing zinc trips along the ridge. These zinc trips help provide an environmentally safe solution against fungus, mildew or even algae attacks. Thus, extending the life of your roofing system to at least 20 years on average.

Get the Right Quotes

If you notice any damages that are too overwhelming, then it is best that you get a few roofing quotes before asking for a professional. It will help you make a sound decision, especially when choosing the right material to use.

Considering these tips can help you preserve and protect your roof for several years to come. If you want to make it last, make sure to get your materials from esteemed suppliers. Doing so will guarantee its quality and durability.

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