woman getting a massage

How Adjunctive Therapies Benefit Those in Hospice Care

Most people would give up when faced with a life-limiting diagnosis. Though hard to deal with, a diagnosis should not mark the end of your life. There are various care options designed to make sure that you still enjoy your life as much as possible after your diagnosis. Hospice care aims to make life as comfortable as possible for those with a terminal illness.

There are different approaches used by hospice care services in Indiana. Other than prescribing medication to alleviate pain and discomfort, hospices use various adjunctive therapies now used in hospice. Complementary therapies have been proven to have various benefits, including easing pain and improving quality of life. These therapies are designed to boost the care for both institutional and home-based hospice care patients. The following are some of these adjunctive therapies.

Occupational Therapy

Here, an occupational therapist will assess a patient’s ability to accomplish their daily activities. If there are any difficulties in handling tasks like eating, bathing, and tooth brushing, among others, the therapist can devise ways of helping their patient manage tasks. This way, the patient will not only remain independent but will also enjoy a boost to their self-esteem and attitude towards life. Moreover, occupational therapy enables the patient to preserve their energy and prevent the musculoskeletal system from wasting away.

Speech-Language Therapy

Speaking and even swallowing is a challenge in patients facing a terminal illness. With speech therapy, a patient will regain their communication skills, as well as the ability to swallow food and appreciate the taste. This enables the patient to still enjoy life. Speech therapy improves quality of life by alleviating the psychological tension associated with the inability to talk. Speech-language therapy will also teach a hospice patient alternative techniques of communication in case they cannot express themselves, owing to the disease.

Physical Therapy

Free movement is generally a challenge for patients since terminal conditions often take great tolls on their bodies. Physical therapy will enable a patient to move around and thus maintain as much independence as possible. The exercises included in this form of treatment also improves skeletal function and the body’s circulation, thereby hastening the healing of wounds and boosting a patient’s overall health.

Music Therapy

woman listening to music

The impact of music on a patient’s wellbeing cannot be ignored. Research has proven the immense benefits this form of treatment offers. Music therapy greatly improves depressive symptoms and sleep quality, as well as boosts the emotional wellbeing of patients feeling weighed down by the effects of their illness. Most hospice centers have also incorporated art therapy in the form of creative writing and painting classes in their treatment approaches.

Dealing with a terminal condition is emotionally, physically and financially draining for both a patient and their loved ones. That is why hospice centers also offer counseling and other forms of support for their patients’ loved ones. When evaluating the best hospice for your loved one, it would be best to settle on one that will also support you. This way, you will be strong enough to support the patient through the above forms of therapy.

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