home fence

4 Expert Tips on How to Select the Right Fence Color

When it comes to curb appeal, few things grab the eye more than the fence. Being one of the most noticeable visual elements your house could have, it only makes sense to think long and hard about what color to use.

With so many hues to choose from, it is all too easy to make a regretful mistake. To help achieve your functional and aesthetic goals you intend to attain with your fencing project, be guided by the tips here.

Know the Restrictions

Believe it or not, not all neighborhood are down with black metal fencing or any other color that is not brown or white.

Go to the office of your homeowners’ association to find out which hues are considered acceptable and taboo in your little community. The last thing you want is to be forced to repaint your new fence just because one neighbor thinks it is an eyesore for the rest of the block.

Match the Trim Color

There is a lot of merit in copying the trim color for your fence. It allows you to tie your structure to the rest of your house, even if it is just an afterthought. If you prefer to match a different accent, window shutters and frames are some of the next safest bets.

Why not the roof or the siding? The fence itself can already be overwhelming. Mimicking the primary complexion of your house exterior could prove visually overpowering. But if you want your fence to stand out and be the focal point of your house, you could go bold. Of course, this idea is worth the try if your skin of your siding is dark. In that case, take the opposite route and go light.

Consider the Landscape

Traditional house exterior

If you love plants, chances are that your fence will be too close to your shrubbery or garden. Unless greenery dominates your yard, you might want to adopt a neutral fencing color to set off the appearance of your colorful blooms.

Nothing complements the colors of nature better than wood. Its warmth can mesh with anything, so it should be versatile enough to be enchanting on its own and still exist quietly in the background while letting the buds and hedges take center stage.

Learn About the Trends

Look up the hottest home design ideas. Trends will tell you which fencing concepts have become the norm and help you get inspired for your own project.

Although not all trends are fads, do not embrace whatever is fashionable if it will not round out the look of your house exterior. The fence is too big to ignore, so it will ruin the vibe of your yard when it is incongruous with the roof, siding, hardscaping, and landscaping.

Making your fence blend with the rest of the environment can be a tricky proposition. Some colors do wonders on the curb appeal more frequently than others, but playing safe does not always produce results. Take time to use your imagination without losing sight of your vision to avoid rushing into a bad decision that is expensive to correct.

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