
Understanding a Few Facts About Vertigo

Do you suffer from migraine headaches from time to time? Or do you sometimes experience a ringing sensation in your ears? If so, then you might be suffering from vertigo.   Most people define vertigo as a sensation of feeling off-balance.   Those who experience these dizzy spells describe it as their surroundings are continually spinning around them. But why does it happen?

Probable causes of vertigo

There are various reasons a person can experience vertigo. But in most cases, a problem affecting the inner ear is the root cause. That’s why some people would prefer getting hearing aid repair services in Denver, Colorado, to address this problem.

One of the most common reasons people experience vertigo is BBPV or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It usually happens when canaliths build up in the inner ear canal, which tends to create unnecessary pressure in the ears. The nerves found in this part sends signals to the person’s brain. Thus, causing a sense of off-balance.

Another cause of vertigo is labyrinthitis. It usually happens when the inner ear gets inflamed because of an infection. The infection affects the nerves that surround the interior part of the air, which is responsible for keeping the body’s balance.

There are also times that a person can experience vertigo when they had a head injury or other problems in the brain, such as a tumor. Sometimes, medications, as well as migraine headaches, can cause this sensation, too.

Primary symptoms of vertigo

Vertigo can happen when a person changes the position of their head. People with such a condition often describe it as a feeling of spinning or tilting. They also feel that everything around them is either swaying or wobbly.

On the other hand, others experience nausea as well as vomiting. They also experience headaches and hearing loss.

woman feeling dizzy

Treating vertigo

Various treatments exist to help treat vertigo. However, there are cases when people recover from it without any help. That’s because the brain can make adjustments and can find other ways to keep your balance. For others, one of the treatments available to help alleviate the condition is vestibular rehabilitation.

It’s a form of physical treatment that aims to strengthen the person’s vestibular system. It’s a set of organs that sends nerve signals directly to the brain that concerns balance. Doctors may advise you to undergo the therapy if your vertigo seems to be recurring.

Another option that you can consider is Canalith repositioning exercises. These are a set of movements done to help mobilize the calcium stuck in the person’s interior ear chamber.

Meanwhile, medicines can also help relieve their symptoms and can also treat the inflammation to cure it. If none of these treatments works, then your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery, especially if your vertigo has a severe underlying problem.

If you feel like you’re suffering from vertigo, then it’s best to seek help from a professional immediately. They will perform a series of tests to verify the root cause of the problem and provide you with proper treatment for your condition.

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