woman using eye drops

Eye Care 101: Best Treatments for These Eye Disorders

Promoting eye care is important to make sure you can perform at your best. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 2.2 billion people globally have vision impairment. One billion of which could have been prevented and cured if it has been addressed and detected early.

Vision Impairment

Vision Impairment can be categorized into mild, moderate and severe. It can start as nearsightedness or farsightedness but because some choose to endure this rather than go to an eye doctor, it results in more complications. WHO also reports that cataracts and refractive errors are the leading causes of vision impairment. However, there are some cases when an underlying medical condition causes vision impairment like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

In this article, we’ll briefly discuss different eye problems you may encounter and how to prevent them.

Dry Eye Syndrome

woman rubbing her eyeDry Eye Syndrome is also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). It is characterized by having mild to severe dry eyes and other symptoms may also include irritation, redness, discharge, and easily fatigued eyes. Some also complain about blurred vision. MGD or Meibomian gland dysfunction is a common eye condition that causes dry eyes because the meibomian glands can’t produce enough tears. If you have been suffering from dry eyes or MGD, treatment should include meibomian gland probing.

Night Blindness

Night Blindness is a type of vision impairment otherwise known as nyctalopia. One of the most common symptoms of night blindness is having difficulty seeing at night or when it is dark. This is more pronounced when the patient suddenly goes to a dim restaurant after walking under the sun.

There are multiple causes of night blindness but one of the most common causes is nearsightedness. Cataracts can also play a role in night blindness especially when it is already big enough to cloud the eye’s lens. Depending on the cause, night blindness can be treated by knowing the root cause of the problem and treating it.


Glaucoma is another common eye disorder wherein the optic nerve is damaged due to abnormally high pressure in the eye. It is the leading cause of blindness among patients over the age of 60. Although it can occur at any age, it is most common among older people. There are some who do not show any symptoms and would only complain about blurry vision when it is already in an advanced stage.

Treatment for glaucoma varies on the severity and effectiveness. But it is often done by relieving the pressure in your optic nerves through laser treatment, surgery or combination of both. In some cases, it can still be treated by drinking oral medication and prescription eye drops.

Most of the time, people often take their vision for granted and do not consider the most common ways to keep their eyes healthy. It is best to know the best eye care methods to prevent getting eye disorders that lead to vision impairment and blindness. Schedule an appointment and talk to your eye doctor today!

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