people outside wearing masks

Social Distancing and Having Fun: 7 Safe Activities to Try

By now, most people are aware of the basic rules of social distancing to slow the spread of the virus — stay at home, and when going out, keep at least six feet away from anyone not living in your household. However, with the prohibition of gatherings and malls, theaters, and other attractions closing down, how does one preoccupy themselves?

To make the most out of your lockdowns and social distancing, here are some of the fun activities you can try while staying safe.

Tackle a New Hobby or Skill

Challenging your mind with challenging or demanding tasks can improve brain health long-term. So, if you can spare some time during your hours of social distancing, try learning a new skill or hobby. Whether it’s learning and taking Miick training programs to gain better leadership skills for work or learning how to play a new instrument, it’s a great way of passing the time.

Workout at Home

Although most people are stuck at home, that shouldn’t be a reason why you should stop exercising. You can transform your living room into a temporary gym to make you feel more motivated. You may hire a trainer or workout on your own, helping you build strength while staying positive despite the circumstances.

Get Some Fresh Air

The best way to address boredom and boost overall physical and mental health is by getting some fresh air and leaving home. Although exercising is a great practice, remember that you don’t need to work out during your breaks. Even if you lay down in your backyard and spend 20 minutes daydreaming, it can promote a feeling of calmness, leaving you relaxed and focused. If you’re planning on going out, make sure to maintain a safe physical distance.

Play Sports in your Backyard

Even if you’re just by yourself or with your kids, if you can find an open area, make the most of it and play some sports. Mark some end zones with fallen tree branches and throw around a football behind your home or play street hockey on your driveway. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise while abiding by social distancing rules.

Take out the Bikes and Go for a Ride

Before the social distancing regulations got implemented, most people were always in their cars, leading them to miss out on the surroundings. So, make the most out of the situation and bring light to your routines by taking out your bike. Explore other parts of your city that you’ve never explored before. Slowing down helps you notice things you’ve never paid attention to beforehand — allowing you to enjoy the fresh air and a whole new adventure.

Read For Fun

Whether you’re working at home or not, give yourself a well-deserved break and catch up with your last read or start a new book. You can go back down memory lane by pulling some classics from your bookshelves or look for a new e-book. Take advantage of the moment and read for fun to explore a different world in the convenience and safety of your home.

Host a Video Game Tournament

Since you’re mostly stuck at home during these challenging times, why not take advantage of technology and have fun with friends at home? Break out your gaming consoles and make rules for a fun tournament with friends. Play for days or streaks with the guys and put up fun prizes for more thrills. Make sure to track everyone’s high scores to declare the winner and have everyone involved donate some prizes for the highest scores or longest winning streaks.

Conversely, now’s also the best time to teach your kids how to play your favorite games like Minecraft or Call of Duty.

The coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns, and new social distancing protocols have taken the world by storm, leaving many people stuck at home and unable to see their loved ones. Fortunately, despite the circumstances, you can still have fun — and doing any of the activities can be a great way to start.

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