employees working

Office Design Tricks to Spark Employee Productivity

The design and layout of your workspace have a profound impact on employees’ moods and productivity levels. A spacious and well-lit area can inspire creativity and energy as opposed to a windowless office filled with outdated furniture and bare walls.

Here are office design ideas for maximum comfort and productivity:

Select the right lighting

The right commercial lighting can raise happiness and concentration levels. While fluorescent tubes are cheaper and easier to install, they easily dimmer with age. Most fluorescent bulbs also include flicking and buzzing issues, which can distract employees.

LED lighting, on the other hand, is an eco-friendly, albeit more expensive option. Unlike fluorescent, it does not contain mercury and other harmful chemicals. LEDs also require less wattage to operate and often last longer than other bulbs.

Ideally, you want to flood your office with natural light, which is healthier and more cost-efficient than artificial light. Sunlight can also make the office look instantly warmer and more welcoming. Sufficient natural light lets people feel connected to the outside world, which relaxes the mind and allows employees to work comfortably.

You can also implement daylight harvesting systems that reduce and increase artificial light in response to the level of natural light. This advanced control system regulates electric lighting to ensure that your space is not over or under lit.

Consider color psychology

Colors can trigger certain emotions and behaviors. In the workplace, specific colors can sharpen employees’ moods, while others can disrupt creativity and focus. For example, being surrounded by gray or beige walls can make employees feel sluggish or sleepy. Vibrant shades like red, yellow, and orange, on the other hand, can promote joy and mental stimulation.

Add greenery

office with greenery

Refreshing your office with vibrant greenery helps showcase a positive brand image to visitors. But plants don’t just beautify your space; they also improve concentration and memory. Modern offices with sealed air are breeding grounds for pollutants and fungi like mold and dust mites. The presence of plants can enhance air quality and balance humidity levels.

Indoor plants are low-cost ways to reduce stress and noise levels. They are easy to manage and require little to no maintenance. Add small desk plants or stylish pot plants in reception areas and meeting rooms to make your space more inviting. Place larger plant pots in the edges and corners of a room to reduce office chatter and background noise.

Designate task-specific zones

Thanks to evolving work styles and cultures, the demand for fluid workspaces has rapidly grown in recent years. Offices can reflect the needs of their employees by providing unique areas designed to support specific functions.

Modern offices feature four common types of office zones:

    • Collaboration zones – spaces that encourage employees to mingle and exchange ideas.
    • Social zones – areas where everyone can relax, eat, or play games.
    • Quiet zones – designated spaces where people can take naps or think without distractions.
    • Private zones – areas where employees can take calls and work on urgent tasks in peace.

People need to be comfortable in their physical environment to function well. A well-designed office setting can reduce stress and motivate employees to be their best selves.

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