home improvement

Man Cave Upgrades to Get Rid of Stale Odors

The man cave is a sacred space. It is the refuge where you can shake off the responsibilities of the day and unwind. But unfortunately, no man cave is immune to musty odors.

Aside from regular cleaning (yes, even a man cave needs some cleaning), there are small upgrades you can make in your space to make sure the air stays fresh in it. These little tips and tricks can transform your shed from a dreary bunker into the go-to place to gather the boys on your next game night.

Better Window Solutions

Even if your man cave is located in the basement, that doesn’t give it an excuse to have little to no ventilation. Windows are some of the easiest ways to freshen up your room. They also give you an alternative source of light in the daytime.

Put your carpentry skills to work by installing bigger windows that allow more air into the room. Use blinds instead of curtains for coverings, as the fabric used in curtains will build up dirt, dust, and odors with time and need to be laundered. Blinds usually only need to be vacuumed to stay clean.

You don’t want to remodel your windows only to take poor care of them, right? To escape the hassle and struggle of cleaning it yourself, hire a professional window-washing service to regularly keep your windows from oxidizing with time.

A Better Couch


Your couch could be a particular problem area when it comes to musty smells in your man cave. Who knows how much dust, pet dander, spills, and other stuff has accumulated on it?

It still boils down to personal preference, but you may want to consider switching from a fabric to a leather sofa if you aren’t using one yet. It adds a masculine and sophisticated touch, so there’s a quick enhancement to the aesthetics of your space. Another helpful feature of leather couches is that they don’t hold on to as much junk as fabric couches do.

Leather sofas won’t require regular vacuuming and washing as opposed to fabric sofas. Some dusting will do on most days. For heavier cleaning, a microfiber cloth and mild cleaning solution usually do the trick.

A Better Storage System

shoe storage

The less obvious cause for ugly odors can be how you store your stuff. It is tempting to pack things away in the nearest empty slot on your shelf, but that habit could come back to haunt you in the future. There may come a day when you have to struggle your way through your things to find the culprit of certain bad smells.

An efficient storage system helps get rid of odors more subtly. When you know where everything is and when it is neatly stored, stale smells are less likely to build up.

A Shoe Rack

Dirty shoes and socks are strong odor carriers in any room. When your buddies come over, stow your shoes in a shoe rack before entering to avoid spreading dirt on the floors.

That isn’t all. You should also deodorize the shoe rack to keep it from emitting smells. Something as small as orange peels and tea bags can be a great help. An air freshener is another affordable option that you can find in any grocery store.


Shelving systems don’t have to be intimidating or complicated. Yours can be as simple as placing frequently used items in the middle sections, heavy items on the bottom, and light, rarely used things at the top. Your shelf can even double as a decorative space.

Tall, wide shelves give you more room to store a variety of necessities. This means fewer chances to misplace things and more breathing room for your stuff.


If you have storage items that look cluttered if displayed openly, put them inside cabinets. A messy-looking space will only be extra stressful in addition to dealing with ugly smells. For cabinets, you can follow your shelving system: light items at the top, heavy items at the bottom, and frequently used items in the middle parts.

Have a Stash of Cleaning Items

Cleaning isn’t the most exciting activity, but keeping the man cave a comfortable place is important. An all-purpose cleaner, dishwashing liquid, and disinfectant spray on hand easily address messes when they come, giving smells no chance to stick. You should also have a vacuum cleaner and washcloths for heavier cleanup days.

It may feel more convenient not to tidy up, but it won’t feel that way for long. Remember that a clean man cave is an ideal space to entertain friends in.

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