Closeup of girl on dental braces check up

Bringing Your Beautiful Smile Again

Bite problems are a nuisance. When you have a crooked smile, it decreases your self-esteem. End your misery because you can have your beautiful smile again with the help of a trusted and experienced orthodontist in Oviedo or other locations. Learn more about how dentists can help boost your confidence.

Dental Problems

Dental problems bring a miserable experience to many people. But with the advances in technology today, dental issues can easily be avoided or fixed. Here are the common dental problems that people experience:

Bad Breath

When you have bad breath, it prevents you from talking to people confidently. You usually cover your mouth with your hanky when you speak with them. But most of the time, the smell is still apparent.

Taking mouthwash can remove the smell, but only temporary. The condition stays and the bad smell will still occur. If you have this condition, take it seriously. Visit your dentist for proper assessment. Common causes of this illness are cavities, gum disease, etc. Your dentist will tell you the root cause after the check.

Tooth Decay

Dental caries or cavities are referred to as decaying teeth. This condition is second to popularity next to the common cold in America. Every time you consume food, a sticky substance forms on your teeth, known as plaque. Its presence leads to the production of acids that can damage the enamel of your teeth. The existence of acids in the teeth leads to tooth erosion.

Here are the ways to dodge tooth decay:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily.
  • Rather than eating junk foods and drinks rich in sugar, consume healthy foods.
  • Floss daily.
  • Don’t miss out on regular dental checkups.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a condition common among adults. According to health experts, those who suffer from heart disease are prone to gum or periodontal disease. Also, those who experience dry mouth and have diabetes are likely to have this condition. People with the periodontal disease can’t bear the pain whenever they chew food as their teeth are sensitive.

The worst-case scenario is that swollen, bleeding gums are obvious. When you start experiencing discomfort in your gums, consult your dentist immediately to get relief.

Oral Cancer

Early detection of oral cancer can help save your life. It’s a deadly disease that poses a threat to people who are using tobacco and alcohol. The person can also acquire cancer upon contact with a person with HPV — a sexually transferred wart virus. Check your mouth for sores, rough areas, and lumps. Regular dental visits can provide you with peace of mind.

Latest Dental Breakthroughs

Female patient at the dentist

Dentists today use state-of-the-art technologies to bring the utmost convenience and fast relief to patients. Here’s a list of the latest dental breakthroughs that will alleviate your dental suffering quicker:

  • Surgical Handpiece
  • VELscope
  • Digital X-ray
  • Invisalign
  • Laser Dentistry
  • Dental Implant
  • HealOzone
  • DIAGNOdent

Dental pain is typically unbearable. That is why it’s vital to go to the dental clinic at least twice a year to check the health of your mouth and teeth. A reliable dentist will always protect your teeth. You won’t be shy anymore because there are better ways now to continue showing your beautiful smile.

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