
Benefits of Being Treated by an Endodontic Specialist

When it comes to oral and dental concerns, people usually consult their dentist. They can provide basic diagnostics, preventive care and treatment for most types of dental disorders. However, when it comes to diseases of the dental pulp, endodontic specialists are the most qualified professionals to address the issue. They can handle cases that are otherwise deemed hopeless.

Endodontists had an additional three-year training in the field of root canal treatment. They use specialised equipment, such as high-powered microscopes to see a tooth’s hidden roots and canals. Also, they can perform non-surgical treatment for teeth that underwent previous root canal.

Consider seeing an endodontic specialist before having your tooth pulled out. There are many dental clinics in Singapore that specialise in endodontics.

Here are some of the benefits of seeing an endodontist instead of a regular dentist:

They have the right tools

Since endodontic treatments vary, a specialist needs the right tool for the job. One of these tools is the Cone Beam CT (Computed Tomography). It allows endodontists to scan an area of the patient’s mouth in three dimensions. Patients can also see their tooth’s condition and why root canal treatment is being recommended. Aside from this digital tool, they also use other tools like:

  • Apex locators
  • Electric pulp testers
  • Root canal rotary files
  • Absorbent paper points
  • Endodontic rings, blocks and rulers

These tools are designed to provide the best high-quality care for patients. They also help endodontists educate them about the procedure to minimise the patient’s anxiety.

They can save a natural tooth

The primary goal of endodontics is to save the natural tooth. The root canal procedure is intended to remove the damaged or infected pulp tissue, relieving pain and allowing the patient to continue with their normal life. With tooth extraction, patients will lose their natural teeth and require dental implants. This is needed to avoid teeth from drifting, shifting and changing their bite. In the end, a simple tooth extraction may be more expensive than a root canal procedure.

They have the necessary experience

On a weekly basis, dentists can usually perform two root canals while endodontists can do around 25. This gives them the necessary experience to treat pulp and tissue problems more effectively. Complications like infections, bleeding, tooth loss and re-treatment are also minimised.

They have knowledge in pain management

Dental concerns such as an infected or inflamed pulp is painful and if it goes untreated, it can be a painful experience for any patient. Endodontists know how to treat these concerns pain management. These specialists know what their patients experience and have the proper training and tools to relieve pain. An endodontist’s priority is managing pain and providing comfort for the patient. Thanks to modern endodontic techniques and anaesthetic tools, pain and discomfort are significantly minimised.

These are just some of the benefits of being treated by an endodontist. Their training and experience allow them to carry out the best dental treatment possible. Patients dreading a root canal is already a thing of the past.

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