woman drinking coffee

Why Should Moms Have “Me Time?”

Do you have kids? Do your kids run around like crazy in the house? Do they play with clay and slime and stick them everywhere? How many dishes do you wash every day? What about the laundry? How many tons of clothes and toys do you wash every week? It is exhausting to keep up with a mom’s life. You don’t know where their energy is coming from. From love? Adrenaline? Is it a God-given gift to fix after your kids all day long?

You can have a nice Parisian-style dining in Bath or other cities during your “me time.” Don’t feel guilty about indulging in Parisian sweets or whatever your heart desires. This is the time to be your old self. There is nothing wrong about taking a break and doing what you enjoy.

Regain One’s Self

It is so easy for moms to lose themselves. You’re a mom all the time. You’re the one the kids run to for every single need. It can get overwhelming and, yes, exhausting. You lose yourself because you don’t even have the time to do the things you love. While you make sure that your kids are well taken care of, it’s important that you also take care of yourself. You are doing yourself a disservice by not giving yourself the time you need to enjoy reading a book, window shopping, or taking a long and luxurious bath.

It is not okay to lose yourself. It is not okay to be a wife and mom and forget about who you are. In the end, you will only resent those who make you lose yourself—your kids and your husband. Don’t let this happen because this could break your family apart.


woman taking a bathWhat are your goals? What do you want to fulfill this month or this year? Because you have to take care of so many things, you lose sight of your goals. Spending time alone will help you refocus. You can make plans. You can list down the tasks you have to complete. It allows you to really focus on what you want to achieve.

Improve Your Mood

Are you feeling down lately? Do you feel uninspired and exhausted even before the day begins? Being a mom is a busy job. You don’t even have the time to lie down and do nothing. You’re constantly on the move. You’re always doing something. It doesn’t only get exhausting. It’s downright depressing. If you are feeling blah, it’s because of a lack of self-care. You can’t help everyone if your gas tank is running empty. Go and spend time with your friends. Get a massage. You’ll come home feeling a lot better.

A lot of mothers feel guilty about leaving their kids to a babysitter. Don’t do that to yourself. There is nothing wrong about taking care of yourself. Society would like you to believe otherwise, but that’s just a wrong notion. “Me time” doesn’t have to be spent alone. You can call your girl friends to have a manicure and pedicure. You can watch a movie alone or with friends. Do things for you and not for anyone else.

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