The Cost of Typhoons in the United States

Typhoons are a type of tropical cyclone that occurs in the Western Pacific Ocean. In the United States, typhoons typically form in late summer or early fall and can cause significant damage to coastal areas. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the cost of typhoons in the United States has exceeded one billion dollars per year since 1980.

The Impact of Typhoons on the United States

While typhoons are not as common in the United States as in other parts of the world, they can still cause significant damage when they occur. For example, Typhoon Hazel landed in North Carolina in 1954 and generated $1 billion in damage (in today’s dollars). More recently, Typhoon Floyd struck North Carolina in 1999 and caused $6 billion in damage. And just last year, Typhoon Michael made landfall in Florida and caused an estimated $6.2 billion damage. However, none of these typhoons come close to three of the most devastating typhoons in the United States.

The most costly typhoon in U.S. history was Hurricane Katrina, which landed in Louisiana in 2005. The storm caused widespread damage across the Gulf Coast region, resulting in an estimated $125 billion damage.

Typhoon Harvey, which struck Texas in 2017, is the second most costly typhoon in U.S. history, with an estimated price tag of $90 billion. In addition, Harvey was a particularly destructive storm, dumping more than 60 inches of rain on parts of southeastern Texas and causing widespread flooding.

Hurricane Sandy, which hit New York and New Jersey in 2012, is the third most costly typhoon in U.S. history. Sandy caused an estimated $75 billion in damage, making it the most destructive storm ever to hit the northeastern United States.

While these three storms are the most costly typhoons in U.S. history, they are not the only ones to cause significant damage. Other notable storms include Hurricane Andrew (1992), which generated $26 billion in damage; Hurricane Ike (2008), which caused $29 billion in damage; and Hurricane Wilma (2005), which caused $20 billion in damage.

A storm about to make landfall

Preparing Your Home For Typhoons

Typhoons are costly for the individual American, but you can save money by preparing your home for these natural disasters. Here are ways you can do that:

Install Storm Resistant Fixtures

The fixtures you use can significantly affect the damage a typhoon can cause to your home. Here are some important fixtures that can storm-proof your home:

Storm Shutters

Strong winds can damage windows and doors when a typhoon hits your home. Installing storm shutters over your home’s windows and exterior doors is one of the best ways to protect them from this damage.

Roofing Materials

The roof is also vulnerable during a typhoon, so choosing materials that are both durable and resistant to high winds is essential. Here are some roofing materials that can help you against typhoons:

  • Metal: One of the best materials for roofs. Metal is relatively heavy, which means it stays in place during strong winds
  • Fiberglass: This material is lightweight but still durable enough to protect against high winds
  • Wood Shingles: These are often used on coastal homes thanks to their resistance to water damage, although strong winds can easily damage them.

Improve Your Plumbing

Flash floods can damage your home when a typhoon hits, and plumbing is one of the most common sources of water damage. To protect against this, you should install features that keep your pipes from bursting during a flood:

  • Water shutoff valves: These allow you to turn off the water supply before flooding gets too bad.
  • Backflow Preventers: These prevent sewage or other contaminated water from backing up into your home during a flood.

Lastly, contact the necessary services if your home has received water damage. A restoration water damage service can help restore the damage and make your home safe again! It’s a cheap way to ensure your home is safe from future water damage, especially after a typhoon.

Anchor Your Roof and Exterior Furniture

Other fixtures in your home, such as the roof and exterior furniture, can also cause damage to your house during a typhoon. Anchoring these fixtures to the ground can help protect them from wind damage.

Finally, try to keep trees and shrubs trimmed for added storm resistance. A well-maintained yard can make all the difference when a typhoon hits!

While typhoons are not as common in the United States as in other parts of the world, they can still cause significant damage when they occur. The cost of repairing damage caused by typhoons can be high, so it’s better to prepare for them. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, it is essential to have a plan in place to keep yourself and your property safe during these potentially dangerous storms.

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