pregnant woman

Take Care of You, Take Care of Your Baby

Pain in the back during pregnancy is a frequent complaint, and it’s easy to see why. Many pregnant women complain of aching backs as their stomachs expand and their muscles and spine struggle to bear the additional weight of the pregnancy.

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back discomfort may be attributed to an increase in the production of a hormone known as relaxin, which causes the joints and ligaments to relax (thus the name) during pregnancy to prepare for birth. Its primary function is to aid in the relaxation of the uterine muscles and the opening of the cervix. In addition, as you approach closer to your due date, your uterus puts more significant pressure on your pelvic ligaments, which may aggravate your aches even more.

In addition to relaxing ligaments throughout the body, relaxin causes pregnant women to become less stable and more prone to injury, particularly in the back. The hormones in your body are causing the ligaments in the joints of your pelvis to relax as you gain weight and experience changes in your center of gravity. Back discomfort during pregnancy is joint, although it may often be avoided or alleviated.

In pregnancy, back discomfort is most prevalent during the fifth and seventh months of the pregnancy. This occurs when your uterus, which is usually housed in your pelvis, suddenly moves into your abdomen, causing significant stress on your lower and mid-back, according to Holly Herman, D.P.T., a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based physical therapist who wrote the book, How to Raise Children Without Breaking Your Back: A Body Manual for New Mothers and the Parents of Small Children.

Here’s some news that will make you sit up (straight!) and pay notice: you can begin constructing a more muscular back right now. It is possible to reduce or eliminate back discomfort entirely with the assistance of natural treatments, which physicians, doulas, and other holistic health practitioners may suggest to you. These suggestions will help keep your body as comfortable as possible as it performs the most critical task it has ever undertaken: your child’s development.

pregnant woman and doctor


Lifting anything weighing more than a few pounds should be avoided. If you need to carry anything significant (or a tiny person):

  1. Be sure you do it properly.
  2. Instead of bending at the waist, stoop down and lift using your legs rather than your back.
  3. Don’t sit or stand for extended periods. If you can’t avoid it, prop up one foot while standing or both feet when sitting with a box or stool.
  4. If you must stand for an extended period, be sure to take regular rests. Place a little cushion in the small of your back or sit in ergonomic chairs with supportive backs. And make an effort to sit up straight.

Resist the temptation to protrude your belly button too far forward. Wear maternity trousers with broad elastic bands that fit beneath the belly or an abdominal support garment. Avoid wearing high heels. Low-heeled shoes with excellent arch support are the way to go. Replace your mattress with a firmer one, or place a board between your mattress and box spring.

Ask your doctor about suggested stretching activities and if any low-impact workouts are appropriate for you. Frequent activity can help with back discomfort. If your doctor thinks it’s safe, have a light pregnant massage. You can book an appointment online at dependable natal-care websites like

Sleep may be difficult to come by during pregnancy, particularly if your back hurts since most women sleep on their sides. The spine in this posture is like a telephone line hanging between the two poles of your shoulders and pelvis. You may support your back to help relieve back discomfort, and you can do so by folding a towel lengthwise and placing it at your waist region where your spine is most “saggy.” This will assist in supporting your back and keep you from feeling any pain.

A towel’s length provides adequate support while staying out of the way, so you do not have to keep readjusting. To minimize the pressure on your pelvis and lower back, sleep on your side with a cushion between your knees.

Final Thoughts

Low-back discomfort that is greater while standing but improves when sitting or lying down is considered typical during pregnancy. However, see your doctor if the pain begins to spread down your legs into your calves or feet, if it interferes with everyday activities, or if it produces fever, chills, weight loss, weakness, or sensory problems.

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