
It’s Time to Prepare Your HVAC System for the Summer

Spring is here, which means summer is just around the corner. After keeping you and your family warm and cozy throughout the winter, it is time to perform an HVAC system test and balance in Tigard, Oregon for the hot summer months. As the level of humidity declines and temperature rises, every homeowner would want their home to feel comfortable and safe.

With a few simple steps, you can keep your home fresh and comfortable all summer long. These steps are important because you probably don’t want to break your bank with repairs and replacement of your HVAC system.

Before switching over to the next season, follow these steps to prepare your HVAC system for the summer.

Change Your Air Filters

Filters in your air conditioner are due for a change after a long winter. Dirty filters make air conditioners work harder to circulate clean air. As a result, the entire system becomes less efficient. Dirty filters can also lead to early breakdowns, which can cause frustrations during the summer. So, it’s only vital to clean the filters to eliminate any build up inside the ducts. Though pollen and dust only cause discomfort, biological contaminants can cause more harm, so according to the Environmental Protection Agency, you should clean your AC filters every three months.

Replace and Repair Damaged Insulation

The suction line is the pipe that connects the air conditioner to your home. You could be losing a lot of heat or cold air in your outdoor unit if this pipe has damaged insulation. The loss of cold air can result in energy loss and damage the entire system. You can hire a professional HVAC technician to help you insulate the pipe used for controlling humidity and temperature and keeping pests and sun rot at bay.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

out door unit of hvac

After a long and harsh winter, it’s necessary to clear all sides of the air conditioner for it to run efficiently. That means not just the part of the unit visible inside your home, but the outside as well. Clear any mulch or branches that have gathered around the unit and remove any debris or trash around it. You should also not let clippings pile around your outdoor AC unit while clearing bushes during the summer.

Schedule a Duct Cleaning

Debris and dirt have probably built up inside your air conditioner over the winter months. You probably have to ask a professional to clean the ducts if you notice a lot of debris and dirt scattered in your home even after cleaning the grates and vents.

Clean the Condenser Coils

Debris, vegetation, and trash are likely to get lodged in the condenser coils depending on where your HVAC unit is located. Condenser coils are the components that transfer heat when their air conditioner is running. These grill-like coils won’t transfer heat efficiently if they become clogged.

It is vital to have a working air conditioner once the temperatures start to rise. However, some of your HVAC system’s problems may have developed and gone unnoticed over the winter. So, before summer approaches, it’s a good idea to make sure your unit is functional.

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