
Extra Space, Extra Ideas: How to Create Your Future Den

Staying at home may look like house arrest to a lot of people, but there are others who are making the most out of it and seeing it as an “opportunity.” For instance, a longer stay at home means a longer time to see which things need doing, and there is plenty of it.

One of these may be to upgrade the appearance of the home and to optimize the usage of space. In simpler terms, it means adding a room or removing it, according to how you see their uses. For instance, some people think about putting enough space in a small room through loft conversion projects. There are others that are okay with things as they are and, instead, add rooms to accommodate their brand-new status of working or schooling at home.

If you’ve got ideas for home projects, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve collected some tips here on how to make your new loft space into the room you’ve always wanted.

Improving loft space with window additions

Loft conversions are done by creating space in a room or in your house to place something on. These are usually extra rooms that are only covered from sight by a wall, or through the creative use of stairs and doorways.

Loft spaces are small and are always restrictive — in a way — but they can be improved with the use of windows. There are some types, like dormer windows, that give you a little more headroom. More room is equal to more breathing space.

With these types of windows, you’ll have an easier time moving around, and the available space is also utilized more effectively.

Planning for small loft conversions

Small lofts may seem easier to design. After all, you’re dealing with a smaller space and it could be a simple task to think of different uses for that space. Contrary to what you may think, you should still create a plan for how you’re going to properly deck your loft space with items.

Even a small conversion can have so many uses. Planning for proper use of this space would be great for people who want to use it for many purposes. You could design it to become an extra room, a small office space, or both.

There are designs that could also offer a different perspective from traditional designs. Think of a bedroom that features a standing tub inside.


Creative use of roof lights for space

Even if you’re designing extra space for your home, there’s nothing you can do to make lifting your roof up for an extra room. What you can do is to create more space in your loft through tricks — like a roof light or window that lets in light through the roof, making the illusion of a bigger room.

It doesn’t only solve the problem of a loft having low headroom, it also creates something else for that space. Roof lights are luxurious in appearance and it also helps you have an eco-friendly room. Aside from that, you could see easier during the day, making the room perfect for in-wall wardrobes as well as other storage.

Loft conversions: a movie theater

There are many uses for a loft space. During this pandemic, it could be used as a small home office. When the pandemic passes, you can also use it for other purposes. Some may use it as their own den or a workout room. Cool use of space would be to have your very own movie theater at home.

Instead of being used by just a lone person, the movie theater can be used by the whole family. You could pop your own popcorn, use a projector, and choose your most comfortable seats when watching a movie.

Loft conversions: Arts and crafts

There are lots of interesting things you can do during the pandemic. You could make your room into a home theater, a playroom if you have kids, and other areas. One of the best rooms you could put into a loft room could be something like a hobby room or an area for arts and crafts.

During the pandemic, these hobbies can serve to keep you grounded. You could practice sewing as well as painting. You could also learn how to knit or even pursue learning how to play an instrument or take up making models.

Lots of things can be done while you’re staying at home. For starters, you can learn to do new things. Taking up hobbies or creating more space in your home is only a few of the many things you can do with your free time.

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