holiday celebration concept

Holidays During a Pandemic: How to Celebrate While Social Distancing

The pandemic has completely changed the way we celebrate. Birthdays this year became a Zoom event. Weddings were limited to a few handfuls of people. Likely, as the virus continues to spread across the United Kingdom, the holidays, too, will become quieter than usual.

Public health experts recommend that, in order to maintain safety in the coming holidays, celebrations should only be limited to people within a household. That could mean your immediate family or your roommates. If you live alone, you will have to spend the coming holidays alone and in isolation.

One survey revealed that one in five adults will be alone or with only one other person this coming Christmas.

However, that does not mean the holidays are canceled. Although certain people in your life would not be physically present, you can still celebrate the holidays.

Spread the Holiday Cheer

Winter is going to feel a lot colder and darker when you cannot go home and see the people you love.

With everyone stuck inside their own homes and social distancing, Christmas feels a lot less like Christmas. So, to lift your and everyone’s spirits up, decorate your home. Although you would not have guests, it would be fun to maintain the same traditions that you do during festivities. Get a tree, hang ornaments, and hang the stockings on the chimney. As leading infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci from the United States said, Santa Claus is immuned to COVID-19.

Moreover, lift up the spirits of your neighbors, too. If you have the resources, light up your house and spread the holiday cheer. Level it up with LED strip lights which, if done right, can look cleaner and futuristic. They also use less energy than your typical string lights which means you will not be spending a fortune on your utility bills. If you go toward this route, do not forget to use an LED strip light driver which you would need to control and protect your decor.

Do not underestimate the power of decorating your home. It will make the holidays a little less lonely.

Start Planning Your Virtual Hangout

Some people are spending the holidays together through Zoom. It may not be ideal, but it is the best option right now to still spend time with your loved ones, eat good food, and not be alone during Christmas.

It is time to teach grandma and grandpa how to connect Zoom. Doing this as early as possible will ensure that you would not be wasting your evening trying to contact family members or troubleshooting electronic devices over the phone.

Figure out a schedule that works for everyone and come up with fun activities that everyone can do in their own separate homes. For example, you start dinner at 7 P.M. and then watch a movie by 9 P.M.

Send out invitations (virtually via email or physically through snail mail) and let everyone RSVP.

Do Not Forget the Gifts

woman with shopping bags on the table

The holiday season is a time for gift-giving. Let everyone know that you love and appreciate them by sending gifts. With online shopping, it is so much easier to browse products and then have it delivered straight to their front door. Or, be a real-life Father Christmas and drive around town on early Christmas morning and drop off presents to family members. You do not have to go in. You can say your greetings through the window or from a safe distance.

The pandemic has been long and tough. There have been heartbreaking losses throughout the year which makes celebrating the holidays more difficult. However, this is only temporary. Eventually, the pandemic will end, the virus will disappear, and we all will be able to hug our loved ones again.

In the meantime, do not let the pandemic get you down. Celebrate the holidays by yourself and with family members, but with a safe distance and while following minimum health standards.

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