Period pain

Dysmenorrhea Relief without Medication: Here are Ways to Naturally Tackle Period Pains

For many women, pain is a regular experience that comes with their period. It is fairly common among the female population. In fact, according to experts, as much as 80% of women will experience some form of discomfort or pain related to their monthly cycle.
Dysmenorrhea, or more popularly known as cramps, is no joke. It can be debilitating and it can interfere with a woman’s day-to-day routine. Here are some ways to help women manage dysmenorrhea:

Book a Session with a Chiropractor

If the pain is so intense every month that it forces you to miss school or work, you might find relief from chiropractic treatment. Some believe that the non-invasive practice has positive effects on pain associated with menstruation.
There are not enough studies to prove that it can get rid of dysmenorrhea. However, many chiropractors and their patients have observed improvement after one or a few sessions. It offers an alternative for those who do not want to take medication.

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture has also been said to be effective against dysmenorrhea. It is an ancient method that involves poking your skin with needles to relax your body and your mind.
For period pain, it works by encouraging more blood flow to your internal organs and reducing inflammation.

Start Doing Yoga

Yoga is recommended to those who suffer from pain of any kind. It may also alleviate your dysmenorrhea.
The exercise works by relaxing your muscles, including the ones in your pelvis that may be contracting and causing you discomfort. Poses like the Reclining Bound Angle or Bridge Pose are said to relieve symptoms.
However, stay away from inverted positions (like a shoulder stand) when you are on your period. It might interfere with your flow.

Herbal teaDrink Herbal Tea

Could drinking a hot cup of tea alleviate dysmenorrhea? More studies are needed to prove that tea, alone, can improve menstrual pain. However, many women from different cultures rely on certain herbal teas to relieve dysmenorrhea.
Chamomile has been said to be effective because it calms the body. Peppermint, ginger, lemon, and fennel tea may provide some relief, too. However, be careful about which tea you choose. Caffeine, which is found in black and, in smaller quantities, green tea can make the pain during menstruation worse.

Make Major Lifestyle Changes

If you want a permanent fix, you need to improve your diet and start exercising regularly. What you eat has a direct effect on the health of your body. Experts suggest upping your intake of magnesium, which is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, may help. Magnesium is responsible for over 600 cellular reactions, including the way your muscle contracts. In the case of many women, cramps are caused by uterus contractions. Eating foods rich in magnesium such as spinach, swiss chard, black beans, flaxseeds, almonds, cashew, avocado, etc. may make a difference.
Exercise, on the other hand, releases endorphins, the hormones that regulate your mood and makes you happier. Endorphins are also known as “human morphine” exactly because it offers pain relief. Aerobic exercise is best for relieving pain due to menstruation.
Additionally, stay away from smoking and drinking. Both can also cause dysmenorrhea.
If pain persists, or if it becomes unbearable, consult your doctor. It might not be regular cramps that you are experiencing. Certain conditions, like endometriosis, could be causing the pain.

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