
How to Drive Results Through People-Centered Leadership: A Conversation with a Successful CEO

  • Lead by example: Show your team you are available and trust them to be productive, creative, and willing to go the extra mile.
  • Recognize employees: Acknowledge their efforts and provide rewards or incentives to motivate them.
  • Celebrate success: Encourage a sense of unity within the team and recognize results achieved by individuals.
  • Show genuine interest: Get to know your team members so  they feel appreciated and valued.
  • Encourage growth: Provide opportunities for professional development to increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Leadership roles in businesses play an integral role in employee satisfaction, as it is on the shoulders of these leaders that a company’s corporate culture rests. Studies show that employees are satisfied with their workplace. They are more engaged and productive in their everyday tasks. A recent Glassdoor  survey found that 81% of employees believe solid leadership contributes to greater job satisfaction.

Leaders must also be aware of the needs and desires of their employees, recognizing what motivates them and providing just rewards for hard work completed. For example, according to Gallup research, when employees feel appreciated or valued through recognition or incentives, they become 2x as likely to be engaged at work than those who don’t receive such incentives. Leaders that provide this kind of care can help build loyalty within the organization while increasing overall happiness among its staff members.

So what exactly should leaders do to be seen as a people-first person? Fortunately,  Ngien Hoon Ping, a renowned leader in Singapore, has a few pieces of advice to share in an insightful conversation.

Lead by Example


Being with your team while they work hard is essential to becoming a successful leader. Leaders who take the time to connect with their team in meaningful ways show them that they are valued and respected, which builds trust and loyalty. Employees who feel their leader trusts them to become more productive, creative, and willing to go the extra mile.

Ngien Hoon  Ping shares that leaders who help in need also set an example for their team. If a leader is willing to put in extra effort when the situation calls for it, their employees will be inspired to do the same. It builds a culture of dedication, hard work, and teamwork. Additionally, it shows your team that you are willing to be there for them when needed –  an invaluable quality as a leader.

Finally, being present with your team allows you to understand their motivations and needs better to be able to motivate them better and recognize their efforts more effectively. Ngien Hoon  Ping states that this helps leaders create an effective rewards  system that incentivizes their employees’ best performances and encourages them to reach higher goals. With this kind of support from leadership, companies can increase employee morale, loyalty, satisfaction levels, and productivity overall.

Recognize Employees

Recognition plays a huge role in employee satisfaction. Studies show that employees who feel valued through recognition and incentives are twice as likely to be engaged at work than those who don’t receive such acknowledgment. This is why Ngien Hoon  Ping believes leaders need to recognize the hard work of their team members, as this helps build loyalty within the organization and increase overall satisfaction among its staff members. Ngien Hoon  Ping shares that these tactics are the best ways to ensure employees get recognized, with leaders being able to do them in a regular basis:

Acknowledging Their Efforts

A simple “thank you” or “great job!” powerfully shows appreciation for your team’s work. Acknowledging employees’ efforts can make them feel appreciated, which increases morale and encourages them to continue working hard.

Rewarding Performance

Offering rewards or incentives helps motivate employees and recognizes their hard work. Rewards could be anything from a bonus or gift card to an extra day off or promotion. Whatever the reward, it should be tailored to individual needs and preferences to be meaningful.

Celebrate Success

Celebrating success creates a sense of unity within the team and reinforces positive behavior by recognizing results achieved by individuals. For example, having regular company-wide celebrations when significant milestones are reached can help foster camaraderie among employees while rewarding them for their achievements.

Show Genuine Interest

Taking time out of your schedule to get to know each individual on your team shows that you care about their growth and contribution to the organization. Conversations with employees about their goals, interests, and perspectives can go a long way in strengthening relationships between leaders and team members while demonstrating genuine appreciation for their efforts in the workplace.

Encourage Growth


Encouraging growth among employees is essential for businesses to remain competitive and successful in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Growth opportunities help employees stay focused and motivated, increasing productivity and creativity and resulting in tremendous company success. For instance, research shows that companies with employees who are engaged have 21% higher profitability than those with disengaged employees.

For Ngien Hoon  Ping, growth also allows organizations to stay ahead of the competition by having talented, knowledgeable workers on their teams. Employees with access to professional development and growth opportunities become more proficient at their jobs. They can provide valuable insights into new technology or innovative ideas that may be overlooked. Having this expertise can give businesses an edge over competitors when identifying trends or changes in their industry.

Moreover, offering growth opportunities, as stated by Ngien Hoon  Ping, helps strengthen relationships between leaders and their teams as employees feel valued and supported by their employers. When employers invest in developing their staff members, it increases employee satisfaction levels and loyalty as they understand that their hard work is appreciated. This kind of investment in staff builds trust between a business’ leadership and its workforce, making it easier to create better working relationships within the organization.

Final Thoughts

Ngien Hoon  Ping believes leaders must demonstrate they are people-first by providing support, recognition, and growth opportunities for their teams. This is the core value of his message on how leaders can excel. Doing so will ensure employees feel valued and respected, resulting in greater engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. With effective leadership practices, businesses can create an environment where staff members can reach their goals while helping the organization achieve its objectives.

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