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Creative Marketing Ideas for the Holidays

Do you want to drum up interest in your business? There’s no better time to do so than the bustling holiday season. Running a marketing campaign during Christmas may be the last push you need before the year ends.

Website Giveaway

Depending on the nature of our business and how you’ve set up your inbound marketing, you may get most of your leads from visits to your website or social media. One of the quick wins you can do is to leverage your company website or social media to get more signups or likes, both of which will extend your marketing reach. It can be a free sample of your product, or a discount– something valuable enough to create some buzz for you in your target market.

Or, you could go with volume– lots of smaller prizes, with more winners and fewer barriers of entry. Like merchandising, on t-shirts you can have customized using insta graphic systems or laser engraved mugs.

Raffles and prizes can be effective marketing tools– it’s really a matter of knowing what your market values and getting them excited about what you offer.

A Photo Contest

Everyone and their mother now owns a powerful cameras and keeps it with them at all times. With phone cameras becoming so powerful and ubiquitous, a photo contest gives everyone a chance to join. Running a photo contest on social media using your product or branding, along with some strategic hashtagging, can generate lots of engagement.

Photos have been proven to get more engagement on social media, so getting your customers and clients to take part for prizes, especially if the winners are the most likes or shares, can widen your reach significantly. The photos don’t even have to be about your service or product. Ask for your customers to submit holiday or pet pictures. It’s not just about your product, but humanizing your brand and making it part of their celebration. Once you come up with a good theme, then all you have to do is dream up an appealing prize that will motivate your audience members to take part.

gifts with cards that say "happy holidays"

A Spirited Holiday Quiz

Before the pandemic shut down bars and pubs, pub quizzes were a regular fixture for many people. So popular, in fact, that enthusiasts have continued holding them online. You can bring some of that back with virtual quizzes, which you could put on social media as live events.

You can test your audience on famous Christmas movies, desserts, customs, anything. Getting people to answer live creates that atmosphere of competition and fun that people miss about live pub quizzes– and this time, there’s no need to buy overpriced beer to enter the contest!

Don’t forget to lure them in with an appealing prize. That prize may be something as simple as a gift card for your business for the upcoming year. It may be something a bit more elaborate, too.

Holiday Coupon Giveaways

Everybody loves coupons. Excellent deals can be particularly appealing during the jam-packed holiday season. Offering coupon giveaways on social media can attract a lot of new business, especially if your offer is attractive. But make sure you plan the volume that you’re releasing– remember that each coupon is cost, and if all of them ended up taking you up on your offer, you should be able to handle the orders.

You can design your own coupons using some great templates online, and email them to winners. Just make sure that you outline the terms of its use very clearly. There are many famous cases of companies losing huge amounts because they didn’t think things through.

Doing some fun social media marketing is a great way to end what has been a very stressful year, and would be good for keeping your business on top of mind for customers even after the holidays. So be creative, plan the financials, and have fun with it!

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