hospice care

Answers to Four Common Questions Regarding Hospice Care

If you are or your loved one is seriously ill, you probably have many questions. Hospice care offers support and expert care for patients facing severe illnesses and their families. The form of care focuses on the goals and personal choices of a patient. Also, the primary focus of hospice in Indiana is to relief pain and control symptoms of patients so that they can enjoy an improved quality of life and live comfortably. As such, most people consider hospice care for their ailing loved ones.

Deciding about hospice care is not as easy as it sounds. But understanding this end-of-life care option helps in comforting patients and their families during the trying moments. As such, these answers can assist you to feel more comfortable in your final decision to opt for hospice. Below are some answers to the common queries about hospice care:

Will I have my hospice team, and how frequently do they visit?

Every individual signing up for hospice care accesses a registered nurse, interdisciplinary team, hospice aide, and social worker. The hospice team works with you and your loved ones to design a plan that outlines your goals for hospice care. How frequently the team visits you is based on your or the needs of your family, as well as your medical condition. Also, the frequency of spiritual care and volunteers is based upon your request.

Is hospice only for the dying?

hospice care

One of the most frequently asked questions about hospice is whether the care option is for the dying. Hospice is an option for individuals with a limited life expectancy. It is for patients who have less than six months to live. However, that doesn’t mean that the person will die in the next six months. It means that the medical condition of the patient makes dying a realistic possibility.

Who is eligible for hospice care?

Hospice is suitable for patients who, based on their physicians, have a life expectancy of six months. It includes, but not limited to, cancer, liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease patients. Usually, people who are eligible for hospice experience challenges with their usual daily living. Some people are in pain, while others go through severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and nausea. The disease or the treatments could cause the signs, and patients opt for hospice because they are depressed or anxious.

Can hospice care continue after six months?

Once symptoms and pain are under control, some patients live longer than six months. Also, it is possible for patients to go on and off hospice care. As such, you may get discharged from hospice care and go back to regular care if the six months are over or even before. Similarly, if your medical condition improves or you change your mind about hospice care, you can go back to curative treatment.

Now that you found answers to some common questions, you can easily decide on hospice. It is wise to consider this end-of-life care for your ailing family member. Don’t hesitate to choose hospice since you are informed.

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