patient in the middle of a dental implant surgery

3 reasons to relax about implant surgery

Dental implants are a popular choice with lots of people. Many see them as a great solution to tooth loss that looks natural and lasts for a long time. The reason that dental implants usually last for years is because of the fact that titanium is planted into the jawbone. Titanium bonds naturally with bone; and this allows new cells to form that connect the two – which means that the implant is strong and long lasting.

Getting this kind of treatment does of course involve surgery, and that is something that makes some people a little nervous. However, for an experienced dentist, implant surgery is very routine and can be performed on most patients with excellent results that last for years. For those who are unsure about opting for this kind of treatment, here are 3 reasons to relax and allay fears.

Planned to perfection

Implant surgery is usually relatively straightforward because it has been rigorously researched and planned before the treatment takes place. The dentist may use x-ray or CT scanning to ascertain exactly where each implant should be placed. He plans the surgery down to the most minute detail; including how and where the incisions will be made for the placement of the implants.

People who have chosen a dentist that they can trust and who is an experienced professional should be able to relax knowing that implant surgery will be simple and straightforward.

Anaesthesia can be used

For most patients, a local anaesthetic is all that is needed to minimise any discomfort during the implant procedure. It is usually only necessary to use this in the place or places into which the implants will be positioned. Most patients can stay conscious throughout implant surgery, and this means that recovery is usually quicker and easier.

Some people are especially nervous about getting dental implants, and need a little more help than a local anaesthetic can offer. The dentist can offer drugs that help patients to relax and/or overcome their anxiety before beginning the procedure. This means that even the most nervous patients can get dental implants with a minimum of fuss.

Quick recovery

woman shecking her teeth in the mirror

People who get dental implants usually recover relatively quickly with very little discomfort. This is because the procedure is so carefully planned; tissues are left mostly intact; and any stitches given are ones that dissolve after a period of time. Some patients take ibuprofen in the post surgery period to keep any discomfort at bay, and this is usually all that is needed.

People who believe that they would benefit from dental implants should not let feeling nervous about the surgery put them off. A chat with a good dentist who understands the concerns of the patient on an individual basis should be enough to allay any concerns. The fact that implants usually have a quick recovery time and a high success rate; demonstrates that they are well worth considering if the patient would benefit from this kind of treatment.

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