dentist checking teeth

4 Telltale Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease affects close to half of the adult population in the United States. Notably, it is among the most common reasons people visit dentists. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most common oral health problems that are easy to overlook. Besides, most people focus on taking care of their teeth, and they forget about their gums.

Gum disease is painless, which makes it harder than most other oral problems to be easily noticeable. Most signs of gum disease are often noticeable during the advanced stages of periodontal disease. The early stages of gum disease can be reversed, but the later stages pose severe risks to your oral health. Therefore, it is wise for people to pay close attention to their gums so that they can notice anything unusual and visit a dentist immediately. These signs are an indication that you should not hesitate to see a family dentist in Longmont.

Bleeding gums

You should not experience bleeding gums when brushing. However, your gums will bleed every time you brush if you don’t regularly floss because of the buildup of plaque. The bleeding worsens as the plaque accumulation persists. Also, sore gums, swelling, and red gums accompany gum bleeding.  The dentist will examine you to measure the severity of the bleeding gums before prescribing a treatment. For instance, sometimes the gums bleed even when you are not brushing or flossing. The bleeding can take place on its own without any stimulants. The gums sometimes darken to a deeper red.

Tooth sensitivity

woman having a toothache

Gum recession causes tooth sensitivity. In such a case, tooth sensitivity is an indication of gum disease. The chronically inflamed gum tissue usually exposes your tooth’s root surface, which exposes your tooth to sensitivity, decay, and potential tooth loss. Your tooth will become more sensitive when taking hot or cold beverages. Consequently, it is time you visited your dentist if the symptoms are worsening by the day.

Gum recession

The other eminent sign of gum disease is gum recession, which is often an indication of advancing periodontal disease. You will notice your teeth appearing longer than the usual because the surrounding gums are receding away from the jawbone. Gum recession exposes the root because it eats away gum tissue that surrounds your tooth. Receding gums are a health concern, especially when the roots become exposed because they put your teeth at risk of loss, infection, and decay. Therefore, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as you notice gum recession before the situation worsens.

Persistent bad breath

Most people have bad breath from time to time. Besides, it is easy to deal with bad breath by brushing, using mouth wash, or breath mints. However, you should overlook bad breath that lasts throughout the day because it could be an indication of gum disease, excessive bacteria, or tooth decay. You need to visit a dentist for treatment.

You shouldn’t hesitate to call your dentist if you have noticed one or more of these signs of gum disease. Also, you may still need to visit your dentist if you have seen any changes in your mouth. Besides, the symptoms of gum disease sometimes become evident during the later stages.