
Ways to Create an Inspiring Workplace

Maintaining a happy workplace should be a priority if you want to attract new talents and keep your current employees. The stressful demands of work and routine can be exhausting, and even the most hardworking member of your team can sometimes feel disengaged. Here are some pointers for creating an inspiring workplace:

1. Maintain a visually pleasing workspace.

A consciously designed work environment does not only reflect the company’s culture and brand. It also empowers employees to reach their fullest potential and gives them energy and motivation to do their job. The traditional office setting with a farm of cubicles and empty walls appears like a sterile place of obligations that stifle employees instead of inspiring them.
However, 21st-century office trends make use of collaborative furniture, bring nature inside the workspace, and integrates technology. This promotes flexibility, productivity, and collaboration among employees. Thus, if you want to keep your team motivated, you should transform your workspace into an inspiring environment that will better meet their needs.
You might need to work with an expert if you’re going to enhance your Melbourne office, so you’ll get it professionally done. Make sure to hire a reputable commercial interior designer who has a track record of turning workspaces into a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.

2. Give timely kudos.

Your employees do not only want to be heard, but they want their contributions to be recognized. This is not to gain attention, but they want validation that they are making a difference to improve the organization they work for. They want their leaders to confirm that their skill sets are still useful and relevant. To recognize and show gratitude to their quality work and positive attitude, you can have a short 15-minute team meeting every Monday where the first agenda is to give kudos.
Giving praises in a public forum can raise your team morale and help them feel valued and recognized. You can also write personal notes, give them a pat on the back or a thumbs up, and offer monetary rewards for their excellent work. Your constant recognition can motivate your employees to bring their A-game every single day.


3. Avoid micromanagement.

While you intend to control the outcome and not your employees, micromanaging them can be a dangerous strategy. It is demoralizing and annoying to your team members. Most people hate being micromanaged, and they eventually quit. If you’re a micromanager, you are probably making your employees crazy and slowly driving them out of the organization.
Employees whose boss is too controlling do not quit their jobs; instead, they leave their managers. This is because micromanagement destroys motivation, kills creativity, freezes productivity, and decreases job satisfaction. Give your employees space and trust them to be their best. Remember that happy employees are those who enjoy autonomy to think for themselves, be creative, and do more. Instead of micromanaging, foster open communication so that your team will be more comfortable to share thoughts and ask questions whenever they need your guidance.
The quality of the workplace influences your employees’ attitude and performance at work. As a business leader, you have to make sure that they are happy and healthy by providing them with a visually inspiring workspace, giving consistent recognition, and giving them autonomy to do their job.

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