turnover concept

The Impact of Management on Employee Turnover: Causes and Solutions

  • Turnover refers to the rate of employee departure, often linked to workplace dissatisfaction and poor management.
  • Bad management contributes to turnover through poor communication, micromanagement, and lack of growth opportunities.
  • Employees who feel unheard, micromanaged, unfairly evaluated, or stagnant will likely seek other employment opportunities.
  • Managers play a pivotal role in reducing turnover by improving communication, fostering trust, and acknowledging employee achievements.
  • Training, mentorship, and feedback systems are practical tools to help managers improve their leadership skills and reduce turnover rates.

It’s a bleak reality for any business owner or entrepreneur to come to terms with – a high turnover rate in their company. Employees leaving can be detrimental to the growth and success of a business, both financially and operationally. Sometimes, the problem may not be your workforce or industry changes but management and leadership. Here’s what you need to know about turnover, its causes, and how to keep it at bay.

What is Turnover?

Turnover is the rate at which employees leave a company or organization. It can be attributed to voluntary departures, involuntary layoffs, retirements, and deaths. High turnover rates can be associated with a lack of workplace satisfaction and engagement, leading to job dissatisfaction and reduced productivity. This often leads to employees leaving for better opportunities elsewhere or within the same industry.

It’s estimated that most employees have thought of quitting because of a negative experience with their managers. When leadership is the cause of turnover, it’s important to understand why and how management can have such an impact.

Managers and High Turnover Rates?

Turnover can be caused by bad management. Here are some reasons why:

Angry manager at employee

1. Poor Communication Skills

According to research, one of the key factors for high turnover rates is poor communication with managers. This can manifest in different ways, such as a lack of clarity in job roles and expectations, lack of recognition, and feedback. When employees don’t feel heard or understood, they’re more likely to become disengaged and unhappy in their jobs, thus leading to turnover.

2. Micromanaging

Managers need to provide direction and support to their employees, but micromanaging can be detrimental to their productivity and morale. Micromanaging is often a symptom of a lack of trust, which can seriously impact employee engagement and retention. High-performing employees who feel their autonomy is constantly undermined will likely look for other opportunities elsewhere.

3. Inconsistent or Unfair Feedback

Inconsistent feedback and performance evaluations can be frustrating for employees, who may feel like they are being unfairly treated. This can come in different forms, such as biased evaluations, unclear criteria for promotion, or a lack of recognition of their achievements. Such unaddressed issues can lead to resentment, prompting skilled and capable employees to seek employment elsewhere.

4. Absence of Development Opportunities

Employees want to feel like they’re growing and developing in their careers. When the managers fail to provide the required growth opportunities, such as training, mentorship, coaching, etc., it’s easy for employees to become disinterested and seek other opportunities with more growth potential. This absence of development opportunities can be a silent killer of employee motivation and retention.

5. Inadequate Employee Recognition

A simple “thank you” or a manager pat on the back can help positively reinforce an employee’s contributions. Failing to recognize or reward good performance or surpass specific milestones only feeds into the view that the employees don’t matter beyond their job duties. A lack of recognition can make employees feel undervalued and unappreciated, leading them to seek better treatment elsewhere.

How to Deal With Bad Managers

Thankfully, there are various ways you can deal with bad managers. Here are three ways:

Training for leaders

Leadership Training

The first step is to teach them what it means to be a leader. There are plenty of reliable leadership online courses they can take. These courses teach the fundamentals of good leadership, such as communication and management techniques.


Mentors can help managers understand the intricacies of leadership while acting as a sounding board for their ideas. They can also provide needed advice and direction to new or inexperienced managers just starting.

Feedback System

It is important to create a feedback system where employees can voice their complaints or concerns. This will help managers understand where they are going wrong and how to improve. Having a system that rewards good performance and recognizes employee achievements is also important.

Dealing with high turnover rates and bad management is a complex process that requires meticulous attention and action. Managers can significantly reduce turnover rates by improving communication, fostering trust, providing transparent and fair feedback, offering development opportunities, and recognizing employees’ efforts. Leadership training, mentorship, and a reliable feedback system are practical tools to change managers’ thinking and acting. With the right approach, businesses can get back on track and ensure their growth in the long run.

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