work out

Staying Fit in the Time of Pandemic

As the pandemic continuous to ravage the world, people have to try to adapt to this unprecedented time. With the ongoing battle to save lives, the rest of the world is directed to stay home and be cautious of exposing oneself to the virus. Now, people are working from home with blurred boundaries between work and leisure.

With all the challenges and stress that the pandemic has brought, staying fit and healthy are more important than ever. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that even while staying home, it is essential to stay active. Sudden changes to physical activity can affect people. As much as possible, exercise regularly and avoid unhealthy habits such as not getting enough sleep.

For men who enjoy adrenaline-inducing activities, the pandemic has truly been a challenge. Those with overflowing energy have to curb this urge and just stay home. This challenge has been tough for most, but it is not impossible to start new activities that fit the current situation. Even if gyms are closed right now or you have to forego your hiking trip, it does not have to mean that you should stop pursuing your fitness goals. What can you do? Here are some suggestions:

Low-cost Fitness

Because of the pandemic, interest in low-cost fitness activities has significantly spiked. Since the gyms have closed and staying indoors has been the general order for everyone, people have gone back to basics. There’s no need for expensive gym memberships because you can just look up the best workout for you on YouTube. Physical activity that does not have to rely on expensive equipment and going outdoors are the best options today.


work out routine

You might be surprised, but yoga is becoming popular with a lot of men. Yoga is not just about doing poses and stretching. It’s more intense than what you might think, and here’s why.

Yoga is a mental exercise as much as it is physical. Doing yoga requires presence and being at present. This sounds easier than done. A lot of people would be surprised how difficult the task of being at present is. Breath is also vital in yoga. This is where yogis get their strength and relaxation.

Trying out yoga is the best during this pandemic, not only for the physical benefits but also for your mental health. Mental health is just as important as physical health. What’s so great about yoga is that it allows you to stay grounded during these troubling times.

Doing yoga does not take much. You only need your mat, and that’s it. There are also a lot of instructors on YouTube who give free classes for different levels. There are also paid online classes. But for beginners, it is best to try out the free trials.


Cannot go back to the gym? Maybe it is time to try calisthenics. Calisthenics is using your body as the weights to build and tone your muscles. You need a mat, and then you’re good to go. Some of the exercises you can try are push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and plank. You don’t need any equipment. You don’t have to get an expensive gym membership. You just need your own weight.


Another activity that has grown popular during the pandemic is biking. It is one of those low-risk outdoor activities. When you go biking, you distance yourself from others. It is also a great alternative to public transportation, which is cramped most of the time. Plus, it’s a great exercise.

However, it is still essential to follow guidelines. Aside from wearing your biking gear such as your helmet and pads, don’t forget your mask. Keep yourself safe from possible accidents and virus infections. When it comes to masks for going outside, the best option is the self-priming KN95 filter respirator. It is excellent and highly recommended by experts. It’s always best to be in a preventive mode than be sorry eventually.

If you are a little uncomfortable in exposing yourself to the outside world because of biking. You may opt for another option such as indoor cycling. There’s no need to worry about anything; just peddle away and enjoy!

Whatever activity you decide to try will surely be beneficial for your health, both physically and mentally. Amidst the pandemic, these activities can help you stay balanced and grounded. As much as people want to get back to the old normal, the pandemic continuous to ravage the world. For now, changes in how we keep a healthy body and mind are the way forward.

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